Rainbow Snippets duck the question

For this week’s Rainbow Snippets, a little more Spindrift. Here Mattie is wondering why two ghosts have attached themselves to Siôn. Eight sentences, I’m afraid, because it didn’t make sense without the lead in *hangs head in shame*

TW: passing mention of suicide attempt

“Have you any idea why they’re so attracted to you?” He licked toast crumbs off his fingers with a smirk. “Beyond the obvious, that is.”

“I—” Siôn bit back the words. He thought it might have something to do with how close he’d come to dying, to drowning, a few months ago. Explaining that would mean telling Mattie about the bridge and jumping, admitting to that mistake. Siôn was enjoying the way Mattie looked at him as if he were wonderful and, though he knew it couldn’t last, he didn’t want to ruin it this soon.

Mattie was staring at him, so Siôn said, “Ah, yes, I’ve always found the restless dead find my knack for advanced mathematics just irresistible.”

Rainbow Snippets is a wonderful little Facebook group in which writers gather every weekend to post a six-sentence peek at one of their works. All genres are included but the snippets must be from books with a LGBTQIA+ protagonist.


When lonely artist Siôn Ruston retreats to the seaside village of Rosewick Bay, Yorkshire, to recover from a suicide attempt, he doesn’t expect to encounter any ghosts, let alone the one who appears in his bedroom every morning at dawn. He also doesn’t expect to meet his ghost’s gorgeous, flirty great-grandson working at the local museum… and the village pub, and as a lifeboat volunteer. But Mattie’s great-great-grandfather isn’t the only specter in Rosewick Bay, and as Siôn and Mattie investigate an ill-fated love affair from a bygone era, they begin a romance of their own, one that will hopefully escape the tragedy Mattie’s ancestor suffered.

But the ghosts aren’t the only ones with secrets, and the things Siôn and Mattie are keeping from each other threaten to tear them apart. And all the while, the dead are biding their time, because the curse of Rosewick Bay has never been broken. If the ghosts are seen on the streets, local tradition foretells a man will drown before the summer’s end.

Coming soon from Dreamspinner Press

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20 Responses to Rainbow Snippets duck the question

  1. P.T. Wyant says:

    Great snippet. Love the last line. But now to see how perceptive Mattie is and how determined he is to dig for the truth.

  2. Layla Dorine says:

    Ghosts, curses and mysteries, wrapped up with a romance and a bit of humor, love the snippet and the blurb.

  3. Michelle says:

    Is it August yet? I need to read this now! 🙂

  4. Lila Leigh says:

    Love his sense of humor.

  5. AM says:

    I’m guessing he may need to tell Mattie the truth sooner or later.

  6. Ooo, I love that last line!

  7. jlmerrow says:

    O_o, big secrets…

  8. Jana Denardo says:

    Poor Sion trying to avoid that painful topic, laughs hard at the math crack though!

  9. b10track says:

    Siôn is definitely my kind of guy. 🙂

  10. Great snippet! I just love that last line!

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